Does an SSL certificate actually boost your SEO?

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Written By Rahul Singh

SEO person who manages all
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When striving for a competitive edge in search engine optimisation (SEO), every little detail might seem like a golden opportunity to boost rankings. One such debated detail is the SSL certificate, a digital certification that authenticates a website's identity and provides a secure connection. However, does an SSL certificate actually boost your SEO? Let's delve into this topic, guided by insights from Google's John Mueller.

Understanding SSL Certificates

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is an encrypted communications protocol designed to ensure secure Internet connections. An SSL certificate certifies a website's identity, affirming that a browser is connecting to the correct server. While it plays an important role in the secure transfer of data across the Internet, its influence on SEO has been a point of discussion.

SSL Certificates and SEO - Unraveling the Connection

The importance of HTTPS, the secure version of HTTP enabled by SSL certificates, was emphasised by Google in 2014 when it announced HTTPS as a ranking factor. This incentivised many website owners to adopt HTTPS, with Google hinting at potentially strengthening the HTTPS signal in the future.

However, Google's John Mueller clarified in a response to a post that SSL certificates do not directly boost a website's SEO. While HTTPS is a ranking factor, it's extremely lightweight compared to others like high-quality content or backlinks from reputable sites. As a result, any ranking advantage from HTTPS is minimal and is essentially cancelled out considering almost all websites today use HTTPS.

In fact, Mueller debunked a claim suggesting that without an SSL certificate, Google is likely to drop a website in search results, affirming that HTTPS is not a deciding factor for indexing a page.


In conclusion, while SSL certificates contribute to user security and trust, they don't directly boost SEO. It's crucial to remember that SEO is multifaceted, and what might seem like a potential boost may, in fact, be a lightweight signal. As HTTPS is now a standard across almost all websites, its role as a ranking factor does not significantly influence a website's SEO standing.

Additional Resources:

For a deeper understanding of SEO factors and techniques, consider exploring resources like Google's Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide, Moz's Beginner's Guide to SEO, and Search Engine Land's SEO Guide. Each offers valuable insights and guidance to navigate the nuances of SEO.

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