Google SEO Best Practices Guide

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Written By Rahul Singh

SEO person who manages all
technical, on-page, Off-page
and Google ads

Who needs this SEO Guide?

This guide is for individuals and businesses who own, manage, monetize, or promote online content via Google Search. It is for website owners, SEO specialists, and DIY SEO experts looking for a comprehensive overview of SEO best practices. The guide covers the basics of SEO and offers tips for improving a website's user experience and performance in organic search results. It is important to note that the guide does not provide secrets for automatically ranking a site first in Google.

Getting Started

This guide provides a glossary of important terms used in SEO, including "Index", "Crawl", "Crawler", "Googlebot", and "SEO". It also covers how to determine if your site is in Google's index, and what to do if it is not. Google is a fully automated search engine that uses web crawlers to explore the web and add sites to its index, and most sites are found and added automatically.

The guide also provides tips on building a Google-friendly website and suggests using Google Search Console to monitor the site's performance. The guide also suggests basic questions to ask about your website when getting started with SEO such as,

"Is my website showing up on Google?"

"Is my local business showing up on Google?"

"Is my content fast and easy to access on all devices?"

"Is my website secure?"

The guide also covers the potential benefits of hiring an SEO expert and the services they can provide such as content development, keyword research, and technical advice.

Are You on Google?

To determine if your site is in Google's index, you can do a site search using the "site:" operator followed by your site's home URL. For example, if your site's URL is "", you would search for "" in Google's search bar. If you see results appear, that means your site is in Google's index. It's important to note that the site operator may not return all the URLs that are indexed under the prefix specified in the query, so it may be possible that not all pages of your site are indexed.

If you don't see any results, it's possible that your site has not been indexed by Google yet. This can happen if your site is new and Google hasn't had time to crawl it yet if your site is not well connected to other sites on the web if the design of the site makes it difficult for Google to crawl its content effectively, if Google received an error when trying to crawl your site, or if your policy blocks Google from crawling the site.

Important terms used in Google

IndexGoogle stores all web pages that it knows about in its index. The index entry for each page describes the content and location (URL) of that page. To index is when Google fetches a page, reads it and adds it to the index.
CrawlThe process of looking for new or updated web pages. Google discovers URLs by following links, by reading sitemaps, and by many other means. Google crawls the web, looking for new pages, then indexes them (when appropriate).
CrawlerAutomated software that crawls (fetches) pages from the web and indexes them.
GooglebotThe generic name of Google's crawler. Googlebot crawls the web constantly.
SEOSearch engine optimization: the process of making your site better for search engines. Also the job title of a person who does this for a living.

How to make Content Available for Google?

To help Google find your content, the first step is to submit a sitemap. A sitemap is a file on your site that tells search engines about new or changed pages on your site. This allows Google to easily discover and crawl your pages, ensuring that they are included in the search results.

Google also finds pages through links from other pages, so it's important to encourage people to discover your site by promoting it and building high-quality backlinks.

To prevent unwanted crawling, you can use the robots.txt file, which tells search engines which pages of your site should not be crawled. The robots.txt file is placed in the root directory of your site and can be used to block specific pages or sections of your site from being crawled. However, it's important to note that this method is not 100% effective and should not be used for sensitive information.

Robots.txt (Example File)

User-agent: googlebot
Disallow: /cart-checkout/
Disallow: /icons/

The robots.txt file is a simple text file that is placed in the root of a website and is used to communicate with web crawlers (also known as "robots" or "bots") about which pages or sections of the website should not be crawled or indexed.

The example provided is a robots.txt file that tells Googlebot (Google's web crawler) not to crawl any URLs in the "cart-checkout" and "icons" folders. This is because these pages or sections of the website are not useful or relevant for the search results and may cause duplicate content issues.

How to hide Sensitive information?

When it comes to protecting sensitive or confidential information, relying solely on a robots.txt file is not a wise choice. This file simply informs well-behaved crawlers that certain pages should not be accessed, but it does not prevent those pages from being delivered to a browser that requests them.

It's important to note that search engines may still reference the URLs you block, and non-compliant or rogue search engines may disobey the instructions in your robots.txt file. Additionally, a determined individual could examine the directories or subdirectories listed in your robots.txt file and guess the URL of the content you wish to keep hidden.

To truly safeguard sensitive information, it is crucial to implement more secure methods such as password protection or removing the content from your site entirely. If you simply wish for the page not to appear in Google, then using the noindex tag may be sufficient. Ultimately, it is vital to take a comprehensive approach to secure confidential material and not rely on a single method such as robots.txt.

How to help Google (and users) understand your content

To ensure that Googlebot can effectively crawl and index your website's content, it is important to make sure that Googlebot is able to see your page in the same way that a typical user would. This includes allowing Googlebot access to all JavaScript, CSS, and image files used on your website.

When Googlebot is unable to access these assets, it can negatively impact the way that Google's algorithms render and index your content. This can lead to suboptimal search rankings and make it more difficult for users to find your website.

To make sure that Googlebot can properly access your website's resources, check your website's robots.txt file to ensure that it does not disallow the crawling of JavaScript, CSS, and image files. Additionally, you can use Fetch as a Google tool in Google Search Console to test how Googlebot crawls your website.

By allowing Googlebot to access all of the resources on your website, you can help Google understand and properly index your content, making it more likely to appear in search results and be found by users.

Title & Meta Description of page

TitleMeta Description
The title "Why Is My Content Being Penalized by Google?" effectively communicates the topic of the page to both users and search engines.The meta description provides a summary of the page's content and gives more details of what the user can expect to find on the page.

A proper example would be:

    <title>Why Is My Content Being Penalized by Google?</title>
    <meta name="description" content="Learn about the common reasons why content may be penalized by Google and discover best practices for creating high-quality, compliant content that will be well-received by both users and search engines.">

Additionally, by including unique title text for each page on your site, you can help search engines understand the individual topics of each page and better index your content.

Dos & Don'ts for Content Structure

FactorBest PracticeAvoid
Title tagsAccurately describe the content of the page and include relevant keywordsUsing generic or non-descriptive titles
Meta descriptionsProvide a summary of the page's content, include relevant keywords and interest usersHaving no relation to the content on the page, using generic descriptions, filling the description with only keywords, copying and pasting the entire content of the document into the meta description tag
Unique descriptions for each pageHaving a different meta description tag for each pageUsing a single meta description tag across all of your site's pages or a large group of pages
Heading tagsEmphasize important text and create a hierarchical structure for the contentPlacing text in heading tags that wouldn't be helpful in defining the structure of the page, using heading tags where other tags like <em> and <strong> may be more appropriate, erratically moving from one heading tag size to another
Use of heading tagsUse heading tags where it makes senseExcessive use of heading tags on a page, very long headings, using heading tags only for styling text and not presenting structure.

It's important to note that to have a good performance in search engines is not only dependent on the title and meta description but also on the quality of the content, the website's structure, and many other factors.

Structured Data

Structured data is a way to provide additional information about your content to search engines by adding code to the HTML of your pages. This code, also known as "markup," can help search engines understand the context of the page and the entities it represents, such as products, events, or recipes. This can lead to rich snippets, enhanced search results, and better visibility in search results, which can help attract the right kind of customers for your business.

FactorBest PracticeAvoid
Structured data markupUse structured data to describe your content to search engines, to improve visibility and attract the right customersUsing invalid markup
Rich Results TestUse the Google Rich Results test to ensure there are no mistakes in the implementation
Data Highlighter and Markup HelperUse Data Highlighter and Markup Helper to add structured data without changing the source code of the siteChanging the source code of your site when you are unsure about implementing markup
Tracking marked-up pagesKeep track of how your marked-up pages are performing using the Rich result reports in Search ConsoleAdding markup data that is not visible to users, creating fake reviews, or adding irrelevant markups

How to Organize your Site Structure?

Search engines use URLs to crawl and index your website's content, and they need a unique URL for each piece of content in order to properly index and display it in search results. This includes different types of content, such as products in an e-commerce store, as well as variations of content, such as translations or regional versions.

A URL is the web address you use to visit a website or a specific page on a website. It is split into different parts that give information about the location of the website and the specific content you are trying to access.

ProtocolIndicates the protocol used to access the website, such as http or httpsNot applicable
HostnameIdentifies the server where the website is hosted, often using the domain nameNot case-sensitive
PathDetermines the specific content on the server that is accessedCase-sensitive
FilenameSpecifies the specific file on the server that is accessedCase-sensitive
Query StringAdditional information appended to the URL that is passed to the serverCase-sensitive
FragmentIdentifies a specific section of a web page, often indicated by "#"Not used by search engines
Trailing SlashIndicates whether the URL is a file or a directoryCase-sensitive

For example:

The main parts of a URL are:

  • Protocol: http or https (It is always recommended that your site or pages should have https protocol)
  • Hostname: This tells you the name of the website you are visiting. For example, "" in ""
  • Path: This tells you where the specific content is located on the website. For example, "RunningShoes/Womens.htm" in ""
  • Querystring: This tells you any additional information or filter options. For example, "size=9" in ""
  • Fragment: This tells you a specific section within the page. For example, "info" in ""

It's important to make sure that URLs are clear and well-organized, so both users and search engines can easily understand what the content is about and where it is located on the website. This can help improve your website's visibility and search engine rankings.

Site Navigation is important for Search Engines & Users

Site Navigation is a crucial aspect of website design and development. It helps users to navigate the website easily and find the information they are looking for quickly. A well-designed navigation structure makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index a website's pages, which can improve its visibility in search engine results.

Navigation menuA list of links to the main sections of a website, often located at the top or side of the pageAllows users to easily access the different pages of a website
BreadcrumbA trail of links that shows the user's location within the website, often located at the top of the pageHelps users understand their location within the website and navigate to higher-level sections
Search barA field where users can input keywords to search the website's contentAllows users to quickly find specific information on a website
SitemapA list of all the pages on a website, organized by sectionsHelps users understand the overall structure of a website and find specific pages
Internal linksLinks within a website that point to other pages on the same websiteAllows users to easily navigate between pages and discover related content.

How to Plan Website Navigation

When planning website navigation, it is important to keep the following in mind:

Using Breadcrumb Lists: A breadcrumb is a row of internal links at the top or bottom of the page that allows visitors to quickly navigate back to a previous section or the root page. Breadcrumbs can be used to help users understand their current location within the website and also to easily navigate back to previous sections.

Create a Simple Navigational Page for Users: A navigational page is a simple page on your site that displays the structure of your website and usually consists of a hierarchical listing of the pages on your site. It can help users to find the information they need more easily and can also help search engines to crawl the website more effectively.

Create a Naturally Flowing Hierarchy: Organize your website's content in a way that makes it easy for users to go from general content to more specific content. This can be achieved by creating categories and subcategories, and by linking related pages together.

Use Text for Navigation: Using text links for navigation is more search engine friendly than using images or animations. It also makes it easier for users to understand where the links will take them.

Create a Navigational Page for Users, a Sitemap for Search Engines: Create a simple navigational page for your entire site for users and an XML sitemap for search engines. This will help search engines discover new and updated pages on your site, and will also help users to find the information they need more easily.

Show Useful 404 Pages: When a user encounters a 404 error, it can be frustrating. To minimize frustration, it's important to have a custom 404 page that guides users back to a working page on your site. You can include a link back to the root page and also links to popular or related content on your site.

Avoid: Creating complex webs of navigation links, going overboard with slicing and dicing your content, having a navigation based entirely on images, requiring script-based event-handling for navigation, letting your navigational page become out of date with broken links, creating a navigational page that simply lists pages without organizing them, allowing your 404 pages to be indexed in search engines.

Simple URLs convey content information

Simple and descriptive URLs can help convey the content of a website to visitors and make it easier for them to remember and share. It also helps for search engine optimization. They can increase the click-through rate and help visitors understand what to expect from the linked-to page.

When creating URLs, it's important to use keywords that are relevant to the content of the page. Avoid using numbers, special characters, and other confusing elements in the URL. Instead, use words that accurately describe the content of the page.

Additionally, it's important to keep the URL structure consistent throughout the website, with a clear hierarchy of categories and subcategories. This can make it easier for visitors to navigate the site and find the content they're looking for.

In short, Simple and descriptive URLs are important for many reasons, including improved search engine optimization and better user experience. It helps visitors to understand what to expect from the linked-to page, it's easy to remember and share, and it makes it easier for visitors to navigate the site.

URLs like the following can be confusing and unfriendly:

If your URL is meaningful, it can be more useful and easily understandable in different contexts:

URLs in Google Search Results

When it comes to search results, Google will display the URL of a page along with the title and a snippet of the page's content. This means that users will see the URL before they decide to click on the link, so it's important to make sure that the URL is simple and descriptive. URLs that are easy to read and understand are more likely to be clicked on, which can increase traffic to your website.

Best PracticesDescriptionExamples
Use words in URLsUse words that are relevant to your site's content and structure in the URLs.
Avoid lengthy URLs with unnecessary parameters and session IDsKeep URLs short and simple, free of unnecessary elements.
Create a simple directory structureOrganize content well and make it easy for visitors to know where they're at on your site.
Avoid deep nesting of subdirectoriesKeep the directory structure simple and easy to understand.
Provide one version of a URL to reach a documentUse one URL in the structure and internal linking of your and

Optimize your content for User

Boost your site's appeal with valuable content

Creating engaging and useful content is often the most effective way to improve your website's impact, compared to other factors. Visitors recognize quality content and are more likely to share it through various channels, such as blog posts, social media, email, forums, etc.

Understand your audience's needs

Consider the terms that a reader might use to search for your content. Experienced readers may use different keywords than those who are new to the topic.

To cater to these differences in search behavior, use a mix of keyword phrases in your content. Google Ads' Keyword Planner can assist you in finding new keyword variations and determining the estimated search volume for each keyword. Additionally, Google Search Console's Performance Report shows you the top search queries your site appears for and those that drove the most traffic to your site.

Innovate by providing a unique, useful service that no other site offers. Conduct original research, report breaking news, or leverage your unique user base. These can be opportunities for your site to stand out, as other sites may lack the resources or expertise to do so.

Create clear and readable content

Readers appreciate content that is well-written and easy to understand.


  • Poorly written text with frequent spelling and grammar errors.
  • Clumsy or poorly constructed content.
  • Adding text in images and videos, as users may want to copy and paste the text, and search engines can't process it.

Structure your content Properly

Organizing your content into distinct sections makes it easier for visitors to quickly find what they're looking for.


  • Piling up a lot of text on multiple topics on a single page without proper paragraphs, subheadings, or formatting division.

Generate fresh, original content

Regularly updating your content will not only retain your current audience but also attract new visitors.


  • Republishing existing content that doesn't add value to your users.
  • Duplicating or closely copying content across your site.

Prioritize user experience over search engines

Focusing on providing a user-centered experience while ensuring your site is accessible to search engines will generally yield positive results.


  • Stuffing your content with excessive keywords for search engines, at the expense of readability for your users.
  • Including irrelevant or low-value text, such as "frequent misspellings used to reach this page".
  • Attempting to deceive search engines by hiding text from users.

Build user trust with transparent actions

Establish a trustworthy image for your website by portraying a reputable and knowledgeable image in your area of expertise. Show information about the publisher, content creator, and site goals. Ensure customer service information is clear and accessible for e-commerce sites. Provide clear information about who is responsible for the content on news sites.

Also, ensure the use of secure technology, especially for financial transactions.

Demonstrate expertise and authority

Enhance the quality of your site by showcasing expertise and authority in your topic area. Use expert sources or edit content by experts to show users the level of expertise. Present well-established scientific consensus if it exists.

Offer comprehensive, accurate and well-written content

Invest time, effort, expertise, and skill to create high-quality content. Ensure content is factual, easy to understand, and covers the subject thoroughly. For example, if you have a recipe page, provide a complete recipe with clear instructions, not just ingredients or a brief description.


  • Providing insufficient content for the purpose of the page.
  • Limit distractions from ads
  • Ads should be visible, but not obstruct the user's ability to consume the site content.
  • Avoid placing distracting ads or interstitial pages that hinder website use.

Use descriptive link text

Use descriptive link text to help users understand what they're clicking. Avoid generic link text like "click here" or "read more". Instead, describe what users will find on the linked page. For example, "Learn more about the history of coffee" instead of "click here".


  • Using generic link text like "click here" or "read more".
  • Linking to irrelevant content
  • Links to irrelevant pages can be harmful and confusing for users.
  • Make sure your links go to pages on your site or pages on other sites that are relevant and appropriate for your audience.

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